I'd like to ask you, Trevor mock. What is the BIGGEST RISK?
Trevor Mauch 39:22
Man, this is a good question. So four years ago, we started when we do our annual planning, one of the first things that we do, like we'll set numbers and goals and stuff like that. But then right after that, we do an exercise where it's like, it's kind of kind of a SWOT, I guess you could call it but it's like what could kill us? What What can kill this business? Because oftentimes, we ignore those things that truly could take us out and they take us by surprise. And so the things that the top of that for us are, if since we're so heavily focused on Google, and not all the leads for our clients come through Google searches, it could be from pay ads and things like that. But we're very heavily focused on Google, if there was a major change in Google and we got are caught with our pants down, and our websites all sudden, for some reason weren't exactly what Google is looking for. That would be decently catastrophic. And so we take that go, Okay, how do we make sure that that's front and center in our product? Whenever we're looking at anything product related? How do we make sure we're always relevant in Google, we're staying ahead of the curve or websites or fast things like that. The second one day, and I'll just give you two here is being Frank right now in this business. I've been building a leadership team, we had an outside company come in, and did a really good audit for three year vision moving forward. So we all kind of knew what were the weaknesses, what were our blind spots, and I had kind of known it. But what what came up is that I am too key on the strategy side in a way to many parts of the business where people from all around the company see me as innocent as necessary on the strategy. And I'm like, Oh, my gosh, I totally didn't lead well there in those certain spots. Because if I'm that key, if something happens to me, they all feel this thing's gonna fall apart. And so we got around a table, it's like, how do we make this not true here? What what's in my brain? Where do we need to upgrade leaders? You know, keyman insurance, that is an actual thing that we did about a year ago, when we did that, and it's given me peace of mind for me and my co founder for sure.