Insurance is a grudge purchase. What can you do to Win at Insurance? For many insurance buyers, the thought of buying insurance is nothing to look forward to. The process is similar to applying for a loan, answering questions, waiting on the agent or company to provide numbers, and then make a decision to purchase based on nothing you understand. What are your alternatives to buying insurance? You can “self insure”. That’s a dicey option. If you never have a loss, you win. But, if you have a claim, it could wipe you out. Another option. For those with ample means, cash flow and few claims, there is another option. Create your own insurance company! Create a Captive Insurance Company. A Captive Insurance company is a wholly owned subsidiary created to provide insurance to its non-insurance parent company (or companies). Captives are established to meet the risk-management needs of the owners or members. Hale Stewart, author of US Captive Insurance Law, joined me to speak about what a captive is, how it works and who can benefit from it. There are many advantages to proceeding with a captive. A broader contract: the chance to cover exposures that your standard company will not. Easier claims adjustment. Potentially lower insurance costs. Tax advantages provided to insurance companies For more info, join our free webinar and receive a free white paper explaining the benefits of Captive Insurance Companies. WHEN: August 4, 2016 Noon central