Now displaying: July, 2015
Jul 9, 2015
Earthquakes are a constant real concern in the Western US and along the Pacific Ring of Fire. If you are not aware, the standard property insurance policy EXCLUDES “Earth Movement” which includes: Earthquake Tremors & AftershocksLandslide & SinkingMine SubsidenceGround Rising or Shifting However the resulting fire or explosion is covered. With this in mind, I sought out a local Earthquake retrofit professional, Steve Gemmell with Earthquake Tech. I was able to go out into the field and visit a job site where I got a tour of a job they were actively working on was able to see and have a Q & A session. Steve Gemmell’s background in Earthquake / Seismic Retrofit Inspected thousands of buildings and installed hundreds of seismic retrofits.Consulted with several professional structural engineers and have developed a seismic retrofit method for each foundation type, including an unreinforced masonry design that meets current building codes.Consulted with City of Portland Bureau Development Services regarding their Residential Seismic Strengthening Program effective April 2011.Developed a program for individual & group DIY(do-it-yourself) classes and have consulted with Real Estate agents, Home Inspectors and Insurance agents. For more info:
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