J Darrin Gross
I'd like to ask you, Paul Ross, what is the BIGGEST RISK?
Paul Ross
I have to say it's context dependent. But if you were to ask me in general broadly, the biggest risk that you can take is to be risk adverse and to need to get absolute clarity before you take an action step. If you're adverse to risk and you need absolute clarity before you act. You then risk can be an emotional risk risking rejection, although I never get rejected, I only discovered the lessons that I didn't know that I had learned. So being risk averse. And as part of that meeting to be certain before you take a step into the unknown, see if you can step into the unknown without needing a guarantee of success and let the other person give them radical permission to have their first response to you. Then something magical opens a doorway to grace the doorway to results that you wouldn't otherwise get if you can get it you need to guarantee.