Darrin Gross:
I'd like to ask you, Richard Wilson, what is the BIGGEST RISK?
Richard Wilson:
For my company, even though we have good managing directors, I think the BIGGEST RISK is myself, you know, I'm driving forward a ton of the new content. You know, when I when I hang up here, we're doing a 1000 person webinar. And I've got someone on my team that could do a webinar on many different topics, but not the same topics I could, you know, fluidly and so it's kind of like a key man risk. And our business, you know, would have to go down to, you know, a skeleton crew if I got hit by a truck this afternoon, and move forward as much smaller business. So I think it's just like many entrepreneurs, getting yourself out of your own way and making sure you're not the bottleneck to growth and making sure that you've got kind of a C level team being groomed and built is part of that but also just thinking through things you know, that are insurance related, honestly related to key man or life insurance, or just You know, if you're disabled and can't work for a while, because think that you know, like most businesses that are like mine with 15 employees, you know, you're trying to grow into a medium sized business from a small business you're in that in between world where, you know, you're constantly trying to push stuff down to the team and get a better quality team.