I'd like to ask you, Jim Oliver, what is the BIGGEST RISK?
Jim Oliver 42:29
I think the BIGGEST RISK is inflation. And I think that because the dollars in our pocket, are going down in value so fast, that if we have a bunch of dollars sitting around Fiat dollars, then we're in trouble. I mean, if if you gave your kid $20, to put it in a savings account today, you'd be doing them a disservice. Because that $20 isn't going to be worth very much as we go along. And my example of that is when I was a kid, we could buy about five candy bars for $1, right? Maybe a few more, and now you can't even buy one. So if the dollars in my pocket are going down in value, how do I combat that? So my, you know, I could say taxes, but taxes are gonna go up and down. And I believe taxes have to go up based on our that, right? But inflation is really a stealth tax. Because the dollars are going down in value and every time the Federal Reserve prints money, then my value is going down, that's a threat to me, that's a risk to me. And the only way to that I know of to well, by the way, you could take all your money and put it in cryptocurrency and get out of the Fiat system, okay. And I'm not discouraging somebody to do that. And I'm not encouraging somebody to do that. Okay, but but you can get out of the Fiat system, which is one of the reasons that these cryptocurrencies these digital currencies exist, right? And then, but, but you could also you can buy assets, because if I own assets, that are appreciating in value that are that I have tenants and in customers that pay me to use my space, if it's real estate, or if it's a business, I can raise my prices, if it's real estate, I can really raise my rent. I can keep up with inflation. So that's the biggest risk, and that's the answer and how to mitigate that risk.