J Darrin Gross
I'd like to ask you, Jay Connor, what is the BIGGEST RISK?
Jay Conner
Well, when you ask that question, Darrin, the first answer that comes to my mind is definitely not a traditional answer. I'm thinking about Charlie Jones. Charlie Jones is known for his quote that says, within the next five years, there's two things that will have the biggest impact on your growth within the next five years. Those are the new people you meet and the new books you read. So my answer to the question, what do I see is the biggest risk? The biggest risk I see is someone being happy with the copasetic and the static and missing out on all the opportunities that this world has to offer and that God has to offer. And how can you learn about these opportunities? Is what Charlie Jones says, The people you meet and the books you read my good friend Tom Crow, who was the founder of wholesaling Inc, which was the largest wholesaling instruction Company in the nation, Tom preaches, read eight pages a day. Just read eight pages a day of a non fiction book, autobiographicals, biographies, self improvement. Do that? Commit to that and join very reputable networking groups or masterminds, people of like minded goals. So the biggest risk that I see Darrin are people missing out on all that there is out there to be offered by staying static and not embracing and being committed to self growth. By the way, just as an aside, success is a lousy teacher. Success is a lousy teacher. It's where we fail. It's where we make mistakes that we actually grow. I was so blessed six weeks ago to meet John Maxwell in person and have a chat with him. He was our keynote speaker, one of the masterminds that I'm a member of and the audience member asked him says, What do you what's the one thing that you attribute your success to? And John Maxwell says, Well, I just fail more than anybody else. He said, You know, our wins are only about 30% of what we try, but if somebody else tries 10 new things, they fail seven times, they win three times. I'm going to try 100 new things, I'll fail 70 times, but I got 30 wins.